Diana Espinoza is an artist and member of the UT Austin hub and has experienced remarkable personal and professional growth since participating in the Artist in Residence summer 2022 program. Diana graduated from UT Austin last summer and works as the MD Anderson Cancer Center Research Assistant.
Her interviewers there were excited and interested in her participation in the VI4 AiR program leading her to share some artwork in a follow-up email. She believes the interviewers were intrigued by her art-science, which contributed to her being selected for the position.
Excitingly, her experience with the artist-in-residence program has sparked an interest in art-science at her new institution. Diana now engages in conversations amongst medical doctors and researchers about the increased need for scientific communication through art – especially in the public health fields where it remains rare. A neighboring researcher has even invited Diana to create artwork based on their research.
While Diana considers herself a traditional artist, she first experimented with digital art during the 2022 VI4 AiR program, producing the artwork that helped her win the Research assistant position she currently holds. While she is particularly proud of this piece, Diana hopes to expand on her digital art, diving into more technical artistic skills in the 2023 summer program. This year she is also excited to be partnered with an immunology lab, an area of particular scientific interest to her.
Diana firmly believes that her experience through VI4 AiR opened doors for her that she didn’t expect, and is excited to see what happens this year!